Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Postpartum Depression Screening

There is an ongoing effort to have postpartum depression screening mandated by law.  Some state have already adopted such measures and the current administration is pushing for a federal law to mandate this procedure.

Addressing a prevalent problem in mental health care is what is expected of a compassionate society, but only if we can assume that we ahve a solution for what we are addressing.  This isn't the case when it comes to depression.  The medical community relies on psychiatric medications to handle most of these cases, even in light of the fact that there is more and more evidence of the negative consequences of these medications, especially with women having hormonal changes. has practitioners who specialize in helping people get off of antidepressant medications and there are many professionals that work with women who have postpartum depression and are successful in alleviating their pain without these risky drugs. More information about drug treatment can be found at

Having mandated screening is a good idea, but enforcing one solution is suppressive.  

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